Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay on Cuisines and Cultures from Columbia and Ecuador

Families have food and drink recipes created and passed down from generation to generation. Some families are known for their specialty dishes. Countries are no different as they have special items that they grow and export. There are menu items that represent the self-image and identity of the country. Cultural traditions will determine the what, and why of a particular cuisine. These foods are served in restaurants as well as homes with pride. There will usually be a well told story behind the selection. Agricultural conditions will sometimes play a significant role in the finished product. Some of the cuisine selected as specialties may be the same for another culture. The only difference could be the selection of seasonings which are†¦show more content†¦The soup is made from ingredients from every part of the country. Onions, peanuts, squash, broad beans, chochosi (a type of legume), corn, lentils, beans, peas, and melloco come from the highlands while the fish and ric e come from the lowlands and coast (Lotha, 2014). Popular Beverage Items of Colombia and Ecuador When traveling to Columbia, there are several specialty drinks that are native to the region. One who may prefer a non-alcoholic beverage may choose a Colombiana, a tamarind soda. When it comes to alcoholic beverages, rum tends to be the popular choice. According to South America (2014), â€Å"The Colombian rum is high quality and is likely to be drunk at night clubs. Unlike in Europe or North America where you can order a single drink mixed with rum, here it is generally served as an entire bottle† (p. 1). Colombians usually drink rum at a table in a group with over ice with a splash of lime. In Ecuador, canelazo is a widely popular alcoholic beverage. It is a spicy yet sweet drink that is served warm in the Northern Ecuadorian regions. According to Metropolitan Touring (2014), â€Å"It is made with water, cinnamon sticks (canela), brown sugar, an acid fruit juice such as naranjilla or lemon and aguardiente (fire water). A steaming glass of canelazo is very much appr eciated in chilly Andean nights† (para. 4). A canelazo is poured into a short, thick glass then refilled throughout the fiesta to keep an Ecuadorian warm! National Cuisines for Colombia and EcuadorShow MoreRelatedThe Republic Of The Inca Empire1648 Words   |  7 Pagesthat still stand from this ancient civilization. There are also various types of climate regions which truly makes Peru a one of a kind country. History Peru has a long history of people and groups that could possibly pre date the ancient superior compared to the others, and that was the Incan Empire. The Incan Empire originated from a tribe in Cuzco which became the capital. The Incan’s dominated a vast area of South America including from north to south Ecuador, part of Columbia, the northern halfRead MoreImpact of Emerging Markets on Marketing15122 Words   |  61 Pagesinfrastructure—of emerging markets are radically different from the traditional industrialized capitalist society, and they will require us to rethink the core assumptions of marketing, such as market orientation, market segmentation, and differential advantage. To accommodate these characteristics, we must rethink the marketing perspective (e.g., from differential advantage to market aggregation and standardization) and the core guiding strategy concepts (e.g., from market orientation to market development). SimilarlyRead MoreRetailing Characteristi cs of Fast Food Stores and Their Impact on Customer Sales and Satisfaction29639 Words   |  119 Pagesinvestment that has been a plus for many a retailer. However, a more near-term concern, has been the global economic slowdown that has resulted from dramatic cutback in corporate IT and other types of capital spending. Consumers themselves have become much more price sensitive and conservative in their buying, particularly in the more advanced economies. From an operational point of view, active practitioners have voiced their opinion that retailer concerns in 2003 have turned to deflation, lack of

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